Informationspflicht laut § 5 DDG.
Thorsten Franke-Haverkamp
Amberger Str. 5
81679 München
UID number: DE815851949
Tel.: 0170/2113759
Picture credits
The images, photos, graphics, illustrations and videos on this website are protected by copyright.
Portrait Photos: Paul Günther,
Fotos: iStockPhoto; Georgijevic, Viorel Kurnosov, marchmeena29, oatawa, SolStock
123rf; alicephoto, Dean Drobot, warrengoldswain, Olena Yakobchuk
Noun Projekt; Makarenko Andrey, Chanut is Industries, Adrien Coquet, Gregor Cresnar, Diego Naive, Xinh Studio
Pixbay; Gerd Altmann, Karolina Grabowska, osamart2meme
Brand & Corporate Design: Esther Schenk Panic