Reichweite und Relevanz – damit Ihre Botschaften auch ankommen
Coverage and relevance – so that your messages are received
left background, do not delete! right background, do not delete!Do you have fantastic products or services that delight your customers?
Wonderful, we support you in getting the attention you deserve. In doing so, we offer you content that is tailor-made for your target groups and communication channels.
We work with you to develop different offers for customers, partners and the public – and for different platforms. This ranges from a background article or a short tweet to a video.
Individual PR service
We make an as-is analysis and develop an optimal communication strategy together with you. This includes sending out press releases as well as positioning your company in all relevant media.
Success through targeted campaigns
As a rule, it makes sense to use different formats, media and protagonists. Communication can take place on different platforms, but should be well coordinated. We plan and organize campaigns for you and thus ensure maximum attention.